All Civic + Cultural Museum of Outdoor Arts

Museum of Outdoor Arts

Starting with a new logo, ArtHouse was able to unify the visual identity of the museum's various locations, while evoking the sculptural, open-air feel of the Museum through simple forms and clean lines.


Englewood, CO




Museum of Outdoor Arts


Ad Light Group


2015 GDUSA American Graphic Design Awards, Award of Recognition

The Museum of Outdoor Arts presented a unique challenge since it is a museum without one certain location. With sculptures spread throughout several parks in the Denver area, many patrons were not aware that what they were seeing was part of one larger collection. Starting with a new logo, ArtHouse was able to unify the visual identity of the various locations, while evoking the sculptural, open-air feel of the Museum through simple forms and clean lines. This new identity was applied to a distinctive system of sculpture identification that complements the art. The bent metal forms of these identifiers draws from the bronze figures of many of the traditional works found in the collection, while their contemporary shapes complement the modern pieces as well.